How To Pursue Photography as a Career

Photography is an art, practice, and application of creating images and recording lights electronically (image sensor) or chemically (light-sensitive). A photography career is a blend of technical and artistic sagacious. The field of photography has changed tremendously in few years. Photography had been restricted to events, weddings, and movies. Still, in recent years, the boom of e-commerce, advertising, mass media, and related fields has created a significant demand for professional photographers.

Think as a Big opportunity!

The hectic life schedule that people follow is challenging to keep up with trends. All of us are becoming highly dependent on various websites for clothing, cosmetics, food, etc. This has led to a massive demand for good photographers in the commercial field, such as fashion photography and food photography. Other areas, such as sports photography, wildlife photography, pet photography, etc., have gained popularity.

A photographer must create a suitable configuration of any subject, a piece of machinery, the beauty of the human body, scenery, a child’s smile, candid’s, the beauty of nature. A single picture can say much more than a thousand words. Few vocations offer a larger variety of prospects than does photography. Photography is divided into many streams, each generating numerous job opportunities.

Photography as a career

Photography Courses and Duration after 12th .

The right photography guide  will help a beginner to learn easily  . Various Institutions in India offer photography courses, whereas some Institution imparts photography as a secondary subject. In addition, students can pursue diploma, degree & certificate courses in photography according to their own choice.

These programs are offered in different domains of photography such as basis photography, digital photography, fashion photography, professional photography, motion picture photography, photojournalism, etc.

Pursue photography as a career
(Courses which you can pursue after the 12th)

Certificate courses:

  • Wedding photography
  • Photography
  • Fashion Photography
  • Wildlife Photography

Diploma Courses:

  • Diploma courses are taken one year after the 12th in any stream. 
  • Wedding photography
  • Photography
  • Wildlife photography
  • Fashion photography
  • Journalism photography

Degree courses:

  • Degree courses are taken three years after 12th in any stream.

Type of Photography

Press Photographers/photojournalists: Photojournalists is the term where you have to click pictures for the press. This career role demands an ability to photograph all kinds of newsworthy people, places, sports, political, and community events for newspapers, journals, magazines, or television. A photojournalist must possess a journalistic sense to shoot a good news picture.

Featured Photographers: Feature photography involves describing a story through pictures and requires a thorough knowledge of the subject. Many photographers specialize in the photography of wildlife, sports travel, environment, etc.

Commercial (industrial) Photographers: Photographer has to take pictures of merchandise, exteriors, and interiors of factories, and machinery both indoors and outdoors to be used for company brochures, annual reports, and in advertising and selling.

Portrait and Wedding Photographers: Photographer has to take pictures of individuals or small groups, handling subjects like pets, children, families, weddings, functions, and activities of sports and social clubs.

Advertising Photographers: Connected with the photographic departments of advertising agencies, photographic studios. They are also a freelance photographer. Advertising photography is possibly the best-paid and most competitive branch of all; success in this sphere depends entirely on ability, efficiency, and the right personality.

Fashion Photographers: Recently developed in India, the bulk of fashion photography is carried out in either Mumbai or Delhi and involves highly sophisticated and well-equipped studios by freelancers commissioned by fashion houses of advertising agencies.

Scientific Photographer: They typically possess additional knowledge in engineering, medicine, biology, or chemistry, which assists them in photographing a range of subject-related objects or scientific phenomena. This career role offers a variety of work in terms of assignments. For example, one can work with news reporters or work as freelancers on independent projects on the environment, wildlife, and other allied fields.

Freelance Photographer: Freelancing has been the most popular career choice among photographers. Photographers who want to be self-employed need to have business management skills. They can do freelancing in any of the above fields. They are not working for any particular agency or firm. 

Travelling Photography: This kind of photography is to travel and click the picture of the destination. Travel the world, explore new places, and capture what you see through the eyes. From picturesque landscapes to beaches and mountains, traveling is generally an option one doesn’t simply turn down to the culture and tradition.

Environment Photography: They are related to nature and wildlife. This sounds bit risky, exploring jungles, forests to clicking a variety of shots in any weather, nature is exquisite. Wildlife photography requires intensive training as other than your photography skills, and your survival skills are pretty much needed.

Photography as a Career in India

In India, the population of freelance photographers is higher than in another genre. While some photographers freelance, after gaining years of experience, run their studios or work for companies as salaried employees. There are many beats in a photography career, and it could be related to pressing photography, events, sports, wildlife, cultural events, political, weddings, freelance, science, and much more. The list is long, and the need for professional photographers is in demand at the moment.

The job of photographer sounds exciting but isn’t you think it is an easy job? But where’s the fun if there is no hard work involved. The field of working behind the lens is improved immensely in the last few years as from just being restricted to traditional media-related work, the expansion in e-commerce, advertising, mass media has created a great demand for professional photography as a career in India.

Photography as career in India

Photography salary in India

Photography as a job profile may sound dreamy, and The more the experience, the higher one goes in the chain. Be it salary employed, freelance, or self-employed, it’s the level of experience that matters at the end of the day in a photography career.

One’s portfolio speaks for itself. Your portfolio should define what the photographer is all about, from the number of assignments you have worked on to handling different projects. If you are self-employed, you can charge the client accordingly. If you are a celebrity-hired photographer, then your pay scale can be larger.

The average Photography salary in India offered, according to Pay Scale, is as follows:

  • Per annum Rs. 353,619-1,087,000
  • Monthly Rs. 21,000-23,000

The average Photography Career salary offered every year is Rs 353,619 per annum, which can go up to Rs. 1,087,000. Every month in a photography career, an average employed person’s salaries begin at Rs 21K-23K, and the sky is the limit.



Photography is an art. Photography is not everyone’s cup of tea; you have to work hard to capture a meaningful and fruitful picture. If you have chosen photography as a career, you have to work hard in this field. Nowadays, everyone has a DSLR, and even the quality of mobile cameras is also much better, so how can you click a better picture than others? You have to practice a lot and always try to connect a better view. College and institute-related photography courses are available in India. Some colleges conduct an examination. In the last couple of years, photography has faced lot many changes, there is lot many different types of photography is available, e.g.: news, fashion, and advertisement, traveling, freelance, etc. find your area of interest. Salary in photography all depends on your skill, talent, experience, and growth. More skilled photographers’ pay scale is always larger than others. 

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